August 30, 2011

It's Tuesday!

We have had a quick August.  I CAN NOT believe that September starts Thursday - how does that even happen?

We had a great trip to MO visiting my brother and sis-in-law.  And of course the Hannah/Stephen wedding!

School started days after we got back, and we have been struggling with getting back into our school routine: bus schedules, homework, soccer practices, and soccer games.  Poor Noah doesn't know what to do with Madison not being home all day, but we've kept busy with story time at the library, play time at the park and books.

On top of that, we put the finishing touches on the master bath - and just need curtains hung in the bedroom.  Furniture is in (another dresser to arrive hopefully sooner rather than later - since the delivery guys broke it. . .) and we love it.  I'm going to try out a looking glass spray paint to upcycle our current lamps (work PERFECT, but I'd like to update them?!), as found on Pintrest.

Next week my plan is to get to work on the other side of our room (actually the 4th bedroom, with the wall between knocked out to make the master larger), organizing and pitching, pitching and boxing.  This is the room that everything funnels through when it has no home.  It also currently houses and TV with extra large microwave cart as its stand, and a desk that I'm not using.  Both soon to grace Craigs List (we'll hold on to the TV, just in case!)

Looking forward to a long weekend free of soccer, and filled with worship, friends and loved ones.

Dinners have been less and less cooked with our schedule.  I cook when I can, but Tuesday and Thursday usually consists of kids eating before we go to soccer, and then baths and bed for them as soon as we walk in the door - then the parents eat.  With little success, I'm trying to shy away from hot dogs, mac 'n cheese, or pb&j even. Suggestions gratefully accepted!

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As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15